Archive by Author | José Antonio Rey

Ubuntu Open Week for Trusty: Starting Soon!


And the Ubuntu Open Week for this cycle is just around the corner! This will be three days full of excitement, where you will be able to know what different teams and people in the community do. Whether you are a developer, a designer, a tester or a community member, this is the right event if you want to get involved with the community and are looking for a starting point.

The event will take place from April 22nd to April 24th 2014, from 15 to 19 UTC each day. During these three days we will have people from various teams, such as the Server, Documentation, and Juju teams. There are twelve different sessions scheduled, so make sure to find which ones interest you and write the times down in your calendars! The full schedule can be found at the Open Week Wiki page.

All sessions will take place at #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat on (click here to join from your web browser). There are three sessions in the schedule which are labeled with the [ON AIR!] tag, which means the session will be streamed live at the Ubuntu on Air! webpage.

In the case you can not attend the event, logs will be linked in the schedule as soon as they become available. For On Air! sessions, they will be available at the Ubuntu on Air! YouTube Channel. Hope to see you all there!

Ubuntu Open Week for Trusty: Call for Instructors


So it’s this time of the year again! As the end of the current cycle approaches, the Ubuntu Classroom Team is starting the planning of the next Ubuntu Open Week, for the Trusty cycle.

The Ubuntu Open Week is a series of classroom sessions which will guide many people in their way for contributing to the Ubuntu community. For this, we need actual Ubuntu contributors from different teams to help us run one-hour sessions, explaning what you do on the team you currently work on, as well as how to get started working on the team. We have three days with 5 one-hour slots each, making it 15 slots in total. The event is scheduled to run from 15 to 20 UTC, from the 22nd to the 24th April.

If you are interested in running a session, please send an email to myself (jose at, ubuntu-classroom at, or let us know on IRC at the #ubuntu-classroom-backstage channel on Logs from out past Open Week can be found here. Please, make sure to give the link to this announcement to anyone who may be interested in running a session. Thank you for your interest!

2nd Call for Instructors: Ubuntu User Days on Jan 25-26th 2014

The Classroom Team is proud to announce that we’ll be hosting our next Ubuntu User Days on Saturday January 25th, 14:30 UTC – Sunday the 26th 2014, 3:00 UTC.


“User Days was created to be a set of courses offered during a one day period to teach the beginning or intermediate Ubuntu user the basics to get them started with Ubuntu”

In order for this event to be a success, we need instructors to lead sessions.

To volunteer to lead a session, you can contact a member of the Ubuntu User Days Team by sending an email to myself (jose at, the ubuntu-classroom at mailing list or by contacting us on IRC by stopping by #ubuntu-classroom-backstage on We still have plenty of slots open for the two days, so make sure to grab yours now!

If you are unsure of a topic for your session, you can visit the Course Suggestions page:

If you are unsure about expectations for class instructors, please ask! You may also visit the logs from past Ubuntu User Days:

We are always keen on seeing new instructors around, if you have any doubts on how all of this is ran you can visit us on our IRC channel (#ubuntu-classroom-backstage on Please be sure to pass this announcement along to any of your friends who might be interested in leading a session.

Ubuntu Open Week for Raring: Almost Here!


In just nine years, Ubuntu has become one of the most popular Linux distributions in the world with millions of users and a thriving community. Ever wondered what all the fuss is about? How have we achieved such a great feat in such a short space of time? Here’s where you can find out. Ubuntu Open Week is a week of IRC tuition and Q+A sessions all about getting involved in the rock-and-roll world that is the Ubuntu community. We organise this week for the beginning of a new release cycle to help new contributors get involved.

Ubuntu Open Week takes place in #ubuntu-classroom on (#ubuntu-classroom-chat for questions), on May 20th-21st, from 13 to 18 UTC each day. We will be having people from different teams in, such as the Quality team, the Development team, the News team, and more! We are also going to have an “Ask Mark!” session with Mark Shuttleworth, the Ubuntu Community founder!

During the “Ask Mark!” session, community members are invited to ask Mark Shuttleworth (sabdfl) questions about the Ubuntu project. You will ask your questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat with the prefix QUESTION: and philipballew will be selecting specific questions to pass along to Mark in the main #ubuntu-classroom channel.

To check out the full schedule and learn more about the event, visit the Ubuntu Open Week page on the Ubuntu wiki (we’re finishing to nail the schedule!)

We hope to see you there! But if not, as always, logs will be available after each session, and linked to the schedule at the end of each day.

Ubuntu Open Week for Raring: Call for Instructors

The Ubuntu Open Week is one of the big Classroom events we have each cycle. This time, it will be taking place the 21st and the 22nd of May, and sessions will last from 13 to 18 UTC. For those of you who do not know what this is all about, it is a community-oriented and community-driven event where people from different teams explain what work they do in the community, so you can choose the areas you like the most, and help us grow as a strong community. You can find more information about it in

Now, we are looking for people who have been involved with a team for a long time, and would like to explain clearly how things work on it. That way, people around the world would be encouraged to join in what they like the most. During this cycle we will only be hosting sessions during two days, and they will only be on IRC.

If you want to take a slot just grab it, but make sure to let me (JoseeAntonioR on #ubuntu-classroom-backstage on freenode, joseeantonior at ubuntu dot com) know, by pinging me on IRC or sending me an email. Also, make sure to pass on this announcement to anyone who can be interested on being part of this event. Thanks for your interest!

Ubuntu User Days Wrap-up

On February 9-10th we hosted our 7th Ubuntu User Days!


Logs from all sessions are now available:

We are very thankful to our instructors and attendees who made the work of this last weeks worthwhile, we feel very proud of all of them. Congratulations!

The Spanish Classroom team also hosted a User Day on February 9th, el Día del Usuario Ubuntu.


Logs for the 6 sessions they hosted can be found in their wiki page:

¡Felicitaciones por el buen trabajo, muchachos!

I really hope you enjoyed this User Days, and that all the shared knowledge is useful to you. Again, a huge thanks from all the Classroom team, and stay tuned so you make sure you learn something new every day!

Explaining the Ubuntu on Air! Collaboration

As many of you may know, some of the sessions we have during events, or even standalone sessions, may be hosted with Google+ Hangouts on Air. This is because we are collaborating with the Ubuntu on Air! team to give the opportunity of showcasing and demonstrating processes live to our instructors. But don’t worry, we will still be having IRC-based sessions. In this post, you will find a bit more of information about this collaboration.

Ubuntu on Air! is an online show which can be found at here. As said before, it consists of Google+ Hangouts on Air on different topics, including Classroom events. So, when an instructor decides he or she wants to do a live session so they can demonstrate a process, the event will be added, both to the Ubuntu on Air! and to the Classroom calendar. In case of the Classroom calendar, it will have an [On Air] tag before the session name; same happens for the Ubuntu on Air! calendar, just that the tag is [Classroom] in this case.

While the session lasts, the video can be streamed at All discussion for Ubuntu on Air! Classroom sessions will take place at #ubuntu-classroom-chat on, so you don’t have to move around.. There will be an embed IRC widget on the webpage so you can have everything on your browser, and it will point to the channel. Questions should be asked the same way as on an IRC-based session, all of them should be prefixed with the word ‘QUESTION:’ without quotes. In this case, the instructor or the host will read and answer the question aloud, on the live stream.

After the session, a recording of it will be automatically uploaded to the Ubuntu on Air! YouTube Channel, and can be watched at any time.

Make sure to subscribe to Ubuntu on Air! on YouTube and follow us on Twitter to get constant updates on all of our sessions.

If you have any doubts about this collaboration you can send me an email to joseeantonior AT ubuntu DOT com, or ping JoseeAntonioR on IRC. Happy learning!

Ubuntu User Days next weekend!

Next weekend, from Saturday at 14:30 UTC to Sunday at 03:00 UTC the Classroom team will be hosting the Ubuntu User Days!

User Days was created to be a set of chat-based classes offered during a two days period to teach the beginning or intermediate Ubuntu user the basics to get them started with Ubuntu. User Days sessions include:

  • how to get help
  • the basics of how to use the command line
  • different ways to install software
  • equivalent programs
  • and much more!

You can check the full schedule here:

The best thing is, everyone can come! If you want to participate, you just need to join #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom chat on your IRC client, or just click here: Webchat.

We hope to see you next weekend!

Ubuntu Developer Week Starting Soon!

Each cycle, the Ubuntu Classroom team holds an event called the Ubuntu Developer Week. Here, you can be part of different workshops, where you will be able to learn about the different tools and processes in the Ubuntu Community, in respect of Development.

This cycle, the Ubuntu Developer Week will be held from Tuesday, January the 29th to Thursday, January the 31st, which is exactly a week from now. Sessions will include an introduction to Ubuntu Development and to patch systems, workshops on working with upstreams, writing applications, finding memory leaks and testing, and some explanations about the App Review process. It will all finish with a Developers Roundtable, where you will be able to hear experiences from other people, as well as sharing your own experiences. More information about the event and the full schedule can be found here.

Sessions will start at 15:00 UTC, and finish at 20:00 UTC. You can check the event timing on your local time zone here.

All classes will be given on #ubuntu-classroom on, and discussions and questions will take place on #ubuntu-classroom-chat on If you have any questions, please make sure to prefix it with the word ‘QUESTION:’ (in capitals and without quotes) for the bot to take it.

If you think anyone may be interested on the event, make sure to share the links, and we’ll see you there!

LoCos, now it’s your time to take the stage!

So, yes, as you read it in the title. We want LoCo teams to run Classroom sessions. But, what is all of this about?

Many LoCo teams have vast experience hosting events, collaborating with other groups and events to promote Ubuntu and even marketing Ubuntu. But, there are new LoCo teams that would like to know all the tips and tricks on how to make this work successful. So, we’re asking you, as part of a LoCo team, to help the Classroom team give sessions about everything from how to run a booth to giving some tips for people doing conferences, marketing Ubuntu, getting more people into your LoCo, and more.

We have created this wiki page for you to add your ideas. You can request an slot by adding the session to the wiki page and then contacting us by sending an email to or by dropping by #ubuntu-classroom-backstage, and one of the team members will get to it as soon as possible.

Make sure you also encourage other members of your LoCo team to help us get this helpful advice to other LoCos!